In Tokyo, numerous ramen shops fiercely compete with each other every day. Among them, here are ten carefully selected ramen shops worth visiting:


1. Natsuya’s Chuka Soba


Located in Ota Ward, this shop made waves with its pop-up operations in Fudomae, attracting long lines of customers. In January 2024, it opened a brick-and-mortar store. The new establishment is run by the owner of the famous “Mendokoro Bigiya” in Gakugei University and is just a 3-minute walk from Shin-Maruko Station on the Tokyu Tamagawa Line. Since its opening, the shop has seen a constant stream of customers from morning until night. The menu includes “Natsuya’s Chuka Soba” (950 yen), “Mochi Mochi Wonton Chuka Soba” (1,150 yen), and more, all priced reasonably for Tokyo’s ramen scene.

With the first bite, you’ll experience a light yet flavorful broth, with thin noodles that perfectly complement the soup, offering a burst of wheat aroma and taste. The wontons, made with Iwate Prefecture’s “Mochihime” wheat flour, have a unique, chewy texture akin to mochi.

For meat lovers, the smoky aroma of the char siu is irresistible, with two types of char siu offering a delightful contrast in flavor. The soft-boiled egg option is also a must-try.

Side dishes like the “Natsuya’s Chawan Curry” (300 yen) and the innovative “Natsuko’s Today’s Rice” (250 yen), which changes daily, are highly recommended.

2. Teuchi Kagehinata


Opened in May 2024 by the chef from the popular Shinkawasaki shop “Hikage,” “Teuchi Kagehinata” quickly became a hit, with customers lining up from early in the morning. The menu features dishes like “Ramen” (950 yen) and “Wonton Men” (1,100 yen). The broth, with a sharp kick of ginger and a deep soy sauce base mixed with animal and dried sardine flavors, pairs well with the wide, flat noodles, which are thick, chewy, and satisfying.

3. Chuka Soba Kamofuku

中華そば 鴨福

“Chuka Soba Kamofuku,” originally from Hachioji, reopened in May 2024 as a street-side store after operating as a pop-up. The shop is known for its rich broth, combining seafood flavors from kelp and dried sardines with duck and shamo chicken dashi, enhanced by fragrant oil made from Iwate duck.

4. Niboshi Soba Himawari


Located about a 10-minute walk from Shimo-Takaido Station on the Keio Line, this shop opened in December 2023. Specializing in niboshi (dried sardine) ramen, the shop uses 100% domestic wheat for its homemade noodles and all-natural, locally sourced ingredients for its broth.

5. Oimachi Tachigui Chuka Soba Irikoya

大井町立食い中華蕎麦 いりこ屋

A 30-second walk from JR Oimachi Station, this ramen shop opened in December 2023 in the Higashi-Koji restaurant district. The shop features a standing-only counter with five seats. The menu includes “Iri-ko (light flavor)” (950 yen) and “Iri-ko (rich flavor)” (1,000 yen).

6. Kagari Bi


Opened in April 2024, this ramen shop in Shintomicho is run by a chef who trained at the famous “Japanese Soba Noodles Tsuta” and “Shichisai.” The menu is simple but high-quality, with dishes like “Shoyu Ramen” (1,300 yen) and sides like “Egg Over Rice” (400 yen).

7. Hi-Fat Noodle Butchers

ハイファット ヌードル ブッチャーズ

Located about a 4-minute walk from JR Shin-Koiwa Station, this stylish, clean ramen shop opened in February 2024 as the second brand of “Menya Chojirou” in Motoyawata. The shop specializes in Jiro-style ramen but with a modern, welcoming interior that appeals to a broader audience.

8. Tomorrow Never Noodles

トゥモロー ネバー ヌードルズ

This ramen shop with a unique name opened in Gotanda in May 2024. As the sister shop of the popular “Menya Saine,” this shop specializes in soupless mazemen and abura soba.

9. Menya Shiki

麺屋 四季

Opened in January 2024, “Menya Shiki” is about a 6-minute walk from Monzennakacho Station. The shop’s concept is “rich broth made from chicken and vegetables,” with a focus on seasonal ingredients.

10. Craft Ramen Bit


Opened in February 2024 by a chef who trained at the popular “Ramen Kai,” this shop offers “Consommé Ramen” as its signature dish, using game meat like venison and chicken for a unique flavor.


Ramen is a deeply diverse dish, with varying noodle sizes and broth types evolving continuously. The ramen shops introduced here are some of the best Tokyo has to offer in the first half of 2024. Stay tuned for more ramen updates in the future.

